HomeTechnical and VocationalThe Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the National Development of...

The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the National Development of Bangladesh


Education is aย  basic human right and considered by many as aย  key toolย  forย  national development. However, this tenet has been challenged by several economists, especially Pritchett (1996). His empirical analysis suggestsย  that many countries, whilst havingย  aย  large educated population,ย  remain unableย  to makeย  significant progress. It is also claimedย  thatย  third world developmentย  isย  sluggish. Theseย  findings generate theย  question: whileย  education increasesย  globally, whatย  exactlyย  isย  itย  thatย  hinders aย  countryโ€™s progression? There are no short answers, but a major area of concern is the type and quality of education vailable.ย  Scholarsย  argueย  thatย  countriesย  needย  aย  wellโ€diversified educationย  systemย  inย  orderย  toย  gain sustainableย  developmentย  throughย  education.ย  Thisย  paper exploresย  theย  situationย  forย  Bangladeshย  forย  its evelopmentย  byย  providingย  technical and vocational educationย  (Asiaโ€Pacificย  Journalย  ofย  Cooperative ducation, 9(1), 25โ€44).

Key Words: Employment Pattern, Human Capital, Job Market, National Development, Person Power, Rate of Return, Technical and Vocational Education.


The World  Bank  (2002)  described  Bangladesh  as  lagging  behind  the  economic  growth  of technical and  technological modernization, but went on  to note  that โ€œBangladeshโ€™s greatest trength is its people.  Ethnically homogeneous and firmly wedded after much turmoil to the ntuitions,  they  are well  known  for  hard work  and  resilience  under  stressโ€  (World  Bank, 2002, p. 6).

The  World  Bank  also  noted  that  Bangladesh  has  no  more  alternatives  in  order  to  gain development,  except  properly  utilizing  its  population.   The  World  Bank  (2002),  United Nations  Development  Programme  (UNDP)  (1999),  United  Nations  Educational,  Scientific and Cultural Organization  (UNESCO)  (2000) all suggest  that Bangladesh urgently needs  to utilize  its  overโ€crowded  population  and  large  labor  market.   To  improve  the  quality  of employees, Bangladeshโ€™s people need  to be  trained  in modern professionalโ€based  and  jobโ€oriented  technical,  technological and vocational programs.  World Bank  (2002) data  reveals that, in the last 25 years, Bangladeshสนs economy has only developed at a 4% annual gross rate for  its  domestic  product  (GDP),  leaving  it  still  poor  and  dependent  on  foreign  aid  for  its development; particularly due to political instability.  Local politicians and privileged people blame the continuing deprived state of Bangladesh on its relatively recent independence.

Again  the  World  Bank  (2002)  report  suggests  that  Bangladeshโ€™s  economy  and  human development  could have  grown  faster  than  its  actual progression  in  the  last  25  years  (i.e., since  independence  in  1971),  if  it  had  earlier  taken  substantial  steps  in  educational development.   For  example,  the  economy  of  South Korea, Thailand  and Malaysia  reached upper middleโ€income  status within  about  25  years  after  achieving  political  stability.   This outstanding improvement in living standards and quality of life for the citizens was achieved by  securing  an  appropriate  educational  atmosphere  in  order  to  provide  high  quality education in different technical and professional fields (Figure 1).

Education is generally viewed as crucial for rapid economic growth, and essential if we wish to  increase  the productivity of  the poor by reducing  fertility and providing people with  the skills  they need  to participate  fully  in  the economy and  in society  (Fagerlind & Saha, 1989). Therefore, it is important for Bangladesh to offer different educational programs in terms of population,  social  requirements,  and  globalization,  and  so  on.   The  Bangladesh  Bureau  of Educational  Information  and  Statistics  (BANBEIS)  noted  that,  since  independence  many attempts  have  been  made  for  the  renewal  educational  policy,  but  that  the  desired development  has  yet  to  take  place,  because  most  of  the  educational  policies  and developmental steps were taken for โ€˜general educationโ€™ (BANBEIS, 2007).

Bennell  (1996)  observes  that  all  countries,  especially  developing  countries,  need  balanced development  through all of  the educational sectors  in order  to make significant progress  in terms  of  national  development.   Presently  Bangladesh  is  mainly  offering  education  in โ€˜general  subjects,  but  to  achieve  development,  it  must  offer  a  variety  of  courses  for disciplines  such  as  technical,  vocational,  professional,  agricultural,  and  so  on,  because  the country needs a balanced distribution of manpower for all professions (Alam, 2003, 2007), so that the vast population of Bangladesh can contribute to economical growth by participating iin  different  professions.   Additionally,  if  people  get  involved  in  different  professions naturally,  they will may  their  own  professions,  and  that may  help  in  the  development  of social equity, respect and freedom.


Before considering the role of technical and vocational education (TVE) in Bangladesh,  initially the concept of national development and justification for the choice of both the economic and community development indicators are examined.

National Development and Technical and Vocational Education

Fagerlind and Saha (1989) argue that there is a valueโ€free meaning contained in the notion of development over and aboveย  theย  ideological and political uses ofย  the concept.ย  This valueโ€free meaning is thought to mean that:

Development  can mean  the  actualization  of  an  implicit  potentiality,  the  simplest  example  being  the patterned growth maturation of a seed or an initial germโ€“cell, to the full adult from the individual plant, or animal or human person. Without stipulating, at this point, anything too weighty or too precise, this can also certainly seem to apply to man and his social situations. (Fletcher, 1974, p. 43)

Thomas and Potter  (1992), go on  to argue  that โ€œAll definitions of development  contain  the central  notion  of  a  process  of  change  from  a  less  desirable  to  a  more  desirable  kind  of societyโ€ฆ development of what? How  is what  is desirable defined,  and by whom? How  is progression to be achieved?โ€ (p. 18).

Thomas and Potterโ€™s (1992) summary of the concept of development seems clear cut, but also raises questions.  For example, since the 1950s there have been at least three main schools of thought on the definitions and approaches towards development.  The first school is that of the economists. Economists such as Bernstein, Shultz and Psacharapolous view development primarily in terms of a nationโ€™s relative prosperity.  A nationโ€™s development is thus assessed by measuring  any  increase  in  its  gross  national  product  (GNP)  (Thomas  &  Potter,  1992). Development here  is seen as achieved  through  investing  in human capital, and โ€œraising  the productivity capacities of societiesโ€ (Thomas & Potter, 1992, p. 18).

The  second  school of  thought  is  that of  the  sociologists  such as McClelland, Weber,  Inkeles, and Smith.  They propose that modernizing a country leads to economic development, and a modern society.  With modernization as the main goal, the emphasis is placed on education; technology and  industrialization are seen as the agents of transformation.  Underdeveloped countries  can,  they  say,  be  transformed  into  modern  countries  with  similar  economies, societies and politics as those in the prosperous West (Little, 1999; Thomas & Potter, 1992).

In  the 1960s and 1970s, another group of  theorists such as Seers, Sen and Edwards began  to consider  development  from  a  human  needs  perspective.   The  emphasis  here  was  not  so heavily focused on economic growth as the primary  indicator of development, but more on assessing the needs of individuals: their freedom, equity, participation and empowerment to fulfill  their potential  capabilities  (Thomas & Potter,  1992).   Sen  (1999),  for  example,  argues that:

If,  instead,  the  focus  is  ultimately  on  the  expansion  of  human  freedom  to  live  the  kind  of  lives  that people have reason to value, then the role of economic growth  in expanding these opportunities has to be integrated into that more foundational understanding of the process of development as expansion of human capability to lead more worthwhile and more free lives. (p. 295)

Table 1: Some indexes of development for five underdeveloped countries including Bangladesh

CountryHDI rankGDP per Capita (PPPS)Adult literacyEducation index rateLife expectencyCorrupt country index placing1

Table 2: Some indexes of development for five developed countries (UNDP, 2005)

CountryHDI rankGDP per Capita (PPPS)Adult literacyEducation index rateLife expectencyCorrupt country index placing2

Before  the 1990s,  the economists carried  the strongest voice.  The argument  for  investing  in human  capital  through  investment  in  education was  considered  to  lead  to  higher  rates  of return  (both private and  social)  that would  far outweigh  the  initial  investment.  Education policies  in both developing and underdeveloped countries  reacted  to  this by  implementing programs which led to massive expansion in the provision of education.  In some countries, this  approach  seemed  to  work  (e.g.,  in  East  Asia)  (World  Bank,  1995)  resulting  in industrialization  and,  to  some  degree,  modernization.   But  in  other  countries,  such  as Bangladesh,  the  results  in  terms  of  economic  indicators  have  been  disappointing  (World Bank, 2002).

By  the  1990s,  a  more  holistic  view  of  development  was  beginning  to  take  centre  stage, especially  in  organizations  such  as  UNESCO  and  UNDP.   From  this  perspective,  human development  is  not  just measured  in  terms  of  the  economy  but  also  in  terms  of  freedom, equity (access to education, health), participation and quality of life.  The UNDP (2002, p. 2) defines this wider meaning thus:

Human development  is about much more  than  the  raising of national  incomes.  It  is about  creating an environment  in  which  people  can  develop  their  full  potential  and  lead  productive,  creative  lives  in accordance with  their needs  and  interests. People  are  the  real wealth of nations. Development  is  thus about expanding  the choices people have  to  lead  lives  that  they value. And  it  is  thus about more  than economic growth, which is only a means โ€“ if a very important one โ€“ of enlarging peopleโ€™s choices.

The author support the view that national development must be a countryโ€™s development in terms  of  its  economic  and  social  freedom.  He  also  considers  that  economic  freedom  and social freedom are  interrelated  ; one cannot succeed without the other (Thomson, 1981).  To increase national economic development, a country must have social freedom and, to achieve social  development,  a  country  must  have  economic  freedom.   Data  will  be  provided  to support this assertion.

It  is  important  to  note  that  this  comparison  does  not  consider  the  quality  of  education provided  in the countries  included.  Furthermore, GDP has been calculated so as to include foreign  aid  received  by  underdeveloped  countries  from  developed  countries.   In  some countries,  a  lower  income  (GNP)  produces  a  better  quality  of  life,  due  to  a  good  balance between income and the purchasing power controlling the value of basic goods.  The placing of corruption and transparency column (Tables 1 & 2) is a key indicator, as transparency is an aspect  of  social  development  that  can  help  to  achieve  economic  development,  and  also human  development.   Conversely,  corruption  is  an  aspect  of  social  decadence  that  will hinder any level of national development (Alam, 2003).

The tables indicate that underdeveloped countries have a low GDP as well as a low Human Development Index (HDI), while developed countries have a higher GDP and also a higher HDI.   Therefore,  economic  freedom  and  social  freedom  seem  to  be  interrelated.  Nevertheless, Lewin (1993), Fagerlind and Saha (1989), and Knight and Sabot (1990) believe that education can play a vital role in national development as we shall see.

The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in National Development

The three theoretical perspectives outlined in the previous section consider education to be a key agent of national development, either as a way of developing human capacity, increasing theย  skilled workforceย  for modernization,ย  orย  asย  a matterย  ofย  personalย  freedom,ย  developing capabilityย  andย  empowerment.ย ย  Fromย  theย  1940sย  onwards,ย  andย  asย  notedย  above,ย  education provision was eitherย  consideredย  inย  terms of producingย  theย  requisiteย  โ€˜person powerโ€™, which the country needed as an investment and which would yield both social and private rates of return, or as a response to social demand (Thomson, 1981).ย  However, due to the popularity ofย  moreย  humanisticย  theoriesย  ofย  developmentย  inย  theย  1990s,ย  theย  Worldย  Conferenceย  on Education for All (WCEFA) noted that there was a general realization that education was not only the key to economic development and human capacity/productivity building, but that it was also a basic human right (WCEFA, 1990).

In summary, above all, education is a human right and, as such, should receive priority in the allocation  of  national  resources.   It  is  very  shortโ€sighted  to  keep  education  bound  and โ€˜gagged  to  the  role  of manufacturing  skilled manpower,  or  to  judge  oneโ€™s  success  by  the number  of  either  children  or  adults who  have  efficiently  undertaken  a  โ€˜learning  packageโ€™ (Hallak, 1990).

Education was previously seen asย  fundamental, not onlyย  toย  the economic development, but also to the social and political development within nations and for individuals.ย  Hallak (1990) arguesย  that educationย  is alsoย  linkedย  to humanย  resources development, andย  thatย  this has an impact on more than just economic growth, but also an impact on the wider development of individuals and societies. Education, he argues, contributes to:

โˆ’ย  Individualย  creativity,ย  improvedย  participationย  inย  theย  economic,ย  socialย  andย  culturalย  rolesย  in society;
โˆ’ย  improved understanding of anย  individual andย  their respectย  for others,ย  thus promoting social cohesion and material understanding;
โˆ’ย  improvement in health and nutrition;
โˆ’ย  improved chances of economic development;
โˆ’ย  improved technological development;
โˆ’ย  socioโ€cultural change;
โˆ’ย  democracy and equality; and
โˆ’ย  ecological development/quality of life (increasing peopleโ€™s awareness of their environments).

Examining this list, it seems clear that for Hallak, modernization and economic development, although desirable, are not the only aspects of human development that are, and should be, enhanced  by  the  provision  of  education.   Participation  in  social,  political  and  cultural activities and improvements in health as education goals are equally important.  Alam (2007) notes that investment in education and training produces benefits for the individual and for society as a whole.  Moreover, Alam  (2007) observes  that education not only benefits  those who gain it through increased income, but also helps overall social development.  The return on investment for society will be a skilled workforce that will enable global competitiveness and economic growth, while  the  return  for  the  individual will be an  improved career path, increased earning power and a better quality of life.  According to Fagerlind and Saha (1989), the concept of โ€˜human capitalโ€™ suggests that education and training raises the productivity of workers and  increases  their earnings over  their  lifetime.  But  this  is not always  true  for  the high proportion of  learners and  trainees who have gain education  leaving certificates.   It  is the people with  the highest  level of education, Fagerlind and Saha  (1989) observe, who are most likely to benefit from human capital investment.

The Role Of Technical And Vocational Education In National Development

According  to Alam  (2007), human  capital  theory has powerful  influence on  the analysis of labor market.  Alam notes that investment in education and training produces benefit both to the  individual  and  to  society  as  a whole.   The  return  on  investment  for  society will  be  a skilled workforce  that will  enable  global  competitiveness  and  economic  growth, while  the return of the individual will be a better career path, increased earning and a better quality of life.

Accordingย  toย  Fagerlindย  andย  Shahย  (1989)ย  theย  conceptย  ofย  โ€˜humanย  capitalโ€™ย  suggestsย  that educationย  andย  trainingย  raisesย  theย  productivityย  ofย  workers,ย  andย  increasesย  theirย  lifetime earningย  capacity.ย  Accordingย  to Alamย  (2007), governments perceiveย  increased demandsย  for skills when the labor supply shows rapid growth, when employment grows quickly, or when employmentย  increasesย  significantly.ย ย  Theyย  argueย  thatย  governmentsย  haveย  calledย  upon vocational education andย  trainingย  (VET) systemsย  to help unemployed young people and older workers getย  jobs, reduceย  the burden on higher education, attractย  foreignย  investment ensure rapid growth ofย  earnings andย  employment, andย  reduceย  theย  inequality ofย  earnings between theย  richย  andย  the poor.ย  But Zymelmanย  (1976) Paschorpoulosย  (1987)ย  and Tilakย  (1998)ย  argue that technical and vocational education providesย  aย  lowerย  rateย  ofย  returnย  (ROR)ย  than generalย  education.ย  However, Bennell (1996) rebuts this ,arguing that even if TVE students are less โ€˜academically brilliantโ€™, the RORfor TVE is still high.ย  Colin (1999) suggests that TVE not only prepares skilled labor but also providesย  generalย  educationย  toย  theย  students.ย ย  Fosterย  alsoย  (1965)ย  aggressivelyย  criticizesย  that vocationalย  schoolย  isย  aย  fallacyย  inย  developmentย  planning,ย  andย  pointsย  outย  thatย  vocational education can be effectiveย  ifย  the acquired skills are utilized properly.ย  Colinย  (1999)ย  likewise saysย  that technical and vocational education can play vital roleย  for development planning, but he warnsย  thatย  ifย  the policy makers do not makeย  it upโ€toโ€date, and TVE schools do not have enough qualifiedย  teaching faculty and sufficient facilities to offer quality TVE, it will not be useful.ย  He also claims that theseย  areย  notย  limitationsย  ofย  TVEย  perย  se,ย  butย  limitationsย  ofย  theย  educationalย  policyย  ofย  the country.ย  Bennell (1996) says that though TVE has been a powerful influence in development planning;ย  indiscriminatelyย  offeringย  technical and vocational educationย  mayย  haveย  negativeย  impactย  onย  development. Arriagadaย  and Zidermanย  (1992)ย  criticizeย  TVE,ย  sayingย  doesย  notย  payย  anย  appropriateย  roleย  in developmentย  andย  claimย  thatย  theย  higherย  investmentย  neededย  forย  TVEย  doesย  notย  seemsย  toย  be compensatedย  forย  byย  highย  return.ย ย  Howeverย  hisย  definitionย  ofย  TVEย  canย  explainย  aย  good significantย  roleย  ofย  TVEย  inย  development:ย  โ€œVocationalizationย  refersย  toย  effortย  byย  schoolย  to includeย  inย  theirย  curriculumย  those practicalย  subjects which areย  likelyย  to generate amongย  the studentsย  someย  basicย  knowledge,ย  skillsย  andย  dispositionsย  that mightย  prepareย  themย  toย  think becomingย  skilled workerย  orย  toย  enterย  other manualย  occupationsโ€.ย ย  The Worldย  Bankย  Policy Paperย  on TVEย  (1991),ย  saysย  thatย  to getย  the maximum benefitย  to national developmentย  from TVE certain factors must be considered:ย 

โˆ’ย  Wellโ€timed modern courses linked of local and global demand;
โˆ’ย  relevant and upโ€toโ€date technical and vocational education courses need to be developed;ย 
โˆ’ย  properย  justificationย  in respect ofย  individual country that at whichย  level of schoolingย  is bestย  in offering TVE courses; and
โˆ’ย  wider range of TVE courses need to be developed in terms of demand and cost effectiveness (not only for offering various courses but also for duration of the courses, for student classification in terms of their merit, ages, job market, etc.).

Lewinย  (1993, p. 14)ย  claimsย  that TVEย  seemsย  to allow usย  to โ€œkillย  several birds withย  theย  same stone.โ€ย  Akyeampong (2002) points out that TVE in national educational system not only for itsย  economicย  contributionย  butย  alsoย  forย  itsย  cultural,ย  socialย  andย  politicalย  contribution. Internationalย  Labor Organizationย  (ILO)ย  (2001)ย  claimsย  thatย  technical and vocational educationย  isย  intendedย  asย  aย  boldย  and courageousย  stepย  to undertake, withย  theย  changingย  scenarioย  forย  economicย  life by developing human capital.

From  the  discussions  above,  it  seems  clear  that  from  the  economic,  social  and  political standpoint, national development  requires  education which  is  intended  to meet a  range of different  national  needs.   These  include  those  associated  with  building  an  appropriate workforce,  and  stronger  economy,  as  well  a  cohesive,  literate  and  healthy  society. Economical  freedom  and  social  freedom  are  interrelated;  one  cannot  thrive  without  the others.   Alam  (2007)  says  that  without  economical  growth,  social  freedom  cannot  be achieved.  Therefore the purpose of education is to provide adequate knowledge to the local community to cope with the professions, and that education will also provide social value, so that people can achieve two developmental things.  Moreover, if education programs offered do  not  provide  employment,  parents  will  perceive  that  investment  in  education  as  not worthwhile, because  their children do not achieve anything promising  for  their  future as a result of their schooling.  Under circumstances where there is no effective enforcement of law to makes primary and secondary schooling compulsory, the number of schoolโ€going people will  likely decrease.   Though  this  decline might  not  initially  hurt  the  employment market since  there  are  few  job  opportunities  in  Bangladesh,  it  will  impact  in  terms  of  social development  predominantly  in  the  health  and  other  sensitive  sectors  through  a  drop  in general literacy and it will hamper future economic growth.

Context Present Situation of Technical and Vocational Education in Bangladesh

The discussion aboveย  indicateย  that offering different TVE programs may have aย  significant role to play in achieving national development, but suggest still Bangladesh has not made an โ€˜epochโ€making developmentโ€™ of TVE.ย  In this section, I discuss the current situation of technical and vocational education in Bangladesh.

Jeongย  (1999)ย  claimsย  that beforeย  joining atย  theย  laborย  force, workers needย  to beย  trainedย  to be more productive and to perform their tasks properly.ย  Atcharena and Caillods (1999) say that workers need the training beforeย  joining the labor force, and also need inโ€service training to maintain upโ€toโ€date skills.ย  But Bangladesh hasย  takenย  the decisionย  to build moreย  traditional educationalย  institutionsย  ratherย  thanย  TVEย  institutions,ย  whichย  hasย  resultedย  inย  producing graduatesย  ratherย  thanย  skilled person power.ย  TVEย  isย  inherently multidisciplinaryย  in nature, and depends to a significant extent on specialists from relevant disciplines in the country, as wellย  asย  thoseย  inย  developedย  countriesย  whereย  developmentย  hasย  beenย  progressedย  through multidisciplinary activitiesย  (Watts, 1985).ย  Soย  the multidisciplinary nature of technical and vocational education may help the students to reach the labor market and further education, with a solid foundation.ย  Under such circumstances, there are many unemployed young people in Bangladesh.ย  Such people engageย  inย  sociallyโ€undesirableย  activitiesย  suchย  asย  drugโ€takingย  resultingย  inย  socialย  problems. The present dropโ€out rate is high at secondary level (Grades 9โ€10); about 52% for males, and 58% for females (BANBEIS, 2007).ย  These dropโ€out students try to join the labor force without anyย  requisiteย  trainingย  orย  skills,ย  becauseย  generalย  schoolย  curriculumย  doesย  notย  haveย  aย  TVE component.ย  Underย  the control of Bangladesh Technical Education Boardย  (BTEB),ย  there are onlyย  aย  fewย  schoolsย  providingย  TVEย  toย  theย  localย  community.ย  Mostย  ofย  theย  schoolsย  areย  nonโ€government, and are regulated by NGOs.ย  Though the dropโ€out rate is high at the secondary schoolย  level,ย  polytechnicย  institutionsย  (ofย  whichย  thereย  areย  20โ€governmentย  andย  7โ€Nonโ€government options) offer diplomaโ€level education using an outโ€dated TVE program to their llocal community and with limited resources (Oxtoby, 1997).

So dropโ€out students remain untrained for employment.ย ย  Theย  numberย  ofย  polytechnic institutionsย  isย  alsoย  lowย  inย  comparisonย  withย  mostย  otherย  countries,ย  andย  theย  Bangladesh population. O ne government vocational teachers trainingย  institute offersย  inโ€service training forย  theย  teachers,ย  butย  itsย  effectivenessย  isย  questionableย  (Worldย  Bank,ย  1990).ย ย  Thisย  brings question how effectively TVE teachers are performing in teaching.ย  Additionally, the present TVEย  systemย  doesย  notย  provideย  anyย  inโ€serviceย  trainingย  for workers.ย ย  Soย  secondaryย  schoolโ€leaver workersย  haveย  littleย  chanceย  toย  undertakeย  professionalย  trainingย  inย  theirย  lifetime,ย  and insteadย  gainย  experienceย  from work.ย  Hylandย  (1999)ย  considersย  that workersย  needย  training before and also need โ€˜insideโ€™ training.ย  Hyland highlights the importance of lifelong learning ifย  theย  workerย  isย  toย  copeย  withย  changes.ย ย  Figuresย  2ย  andย  3ย  showย  thatย  enrolleesย  areย  rapidly decreasingย  atย  theย  secondaryย  level,ย  whichย  supportsย  theย  dropโ€outย  situation.ย ย  Belowย  Iย  will discuss the present status of offered TVE programs by a few TVE schools and institutions.

Theย  aboveย  discussionย  aboutย  theย  roleย technical and vocational education mightย  playย  inย  nationalย  development,ย  especially mentioned points noted in a World Bank Policy Paper on TVE, and implies that to maximize gains in sustainable development via TVE, modern and wellโ€timed TVE programs should be offeredย  toย  students,ย  andย  theseย  needย  toย  provideย  theย  bestย  practicalย  knowledgeย  inย  relevant programs.ย  Colin (1999) insists that TVE needs to offer most upโ€toโ€date technical, professional andย  jobโ€orientedย  coursesย  inย  orderย  to meetย  theย  challengesย  ofย  theย  twentyย  firstย  centuryย  labor market.ย  He also saysย  that evenย  if providing modern upโ€toโ€date TVE programย  is expensive, developingย  countries must makeย  thisย  investment,ย  becauseย  suchย  investment will helpย  build theย  appropriateย  humanย  resourcesย  whichย  willย  contributeย  toย  nationalย  developmentย  and participation of labor market.ย  But it seems that Bangladesh has not made desired progress to moderateย  andย  toย  innovateย  andย  provideย  upโ€toโ€dateย  TVEย  programsย  (Rafique,ย  1996;ย  World Bank, 1990).

Rafique  (1996) says  that present status of TVE  in Bangladesh  is such  that we only offer old programs and topics.  He suggests that Bangladesh needs to offer upโ€toโ€date programs such as information technology, computer science, eโ€commerce and so on.  Oxtoby (1997) likewise says  that  Bangladesh  not  only  needs  to  restructure  its  TVE  facilities,  but  also  needs  to restructure  the TVE programs.  Rafique  (1996) reports  that  in Bangladesh 64% of  technician level jobs are held by people without any formal education or training, and suggest that that if TVE  in Bangladesh fails provide good programs with an upโ€toโ€date curriculum; they will likely  lose  credibility  with  the  employers.   Rafiqueโ€™s  arguments  raise  the  question  as  to whether  trained  people  can  meet  employer  demands,  or  if  employers  feel  a  need  to  be involved in training people themselves.  However, Moenjak and Worswick (2001) claim that although in some circumstances some employers do not bother recruiting trained people, the importance of skilled person power is unquestionable.

The data and analysisย  then suggestย  that technical and vocational educationย  in Bangladeshย  is not developed sufficientlyย  to meet the challenge of building appropriate human resources.ย  Having discussed the present situationย  ofย  TVEย  inย  Bangladesh,ย  Iย  nowย  discussย  barriersย  toย  theย  developmentย  ofย  TVEย  in Bangladesh.

Barriers To Technical and Vocational Education in Bangladesh

There are many barriers to the development of technical and vocational education in Bangladesh and these are summarized below:

โˆ’ย  Most elite parents think that their children should not become a laborer. Even if their children areย  lessย  academicallyย  able,ย  parentsย  tryย  toย  pushย  theirย  childrenย  intoย  higherย  educationโ€disobeying the law. Social elites and political leaders in Bangladesh do not bother much about theย  law. Theyย  alsoย  sendย  theirย  childrenย  toย  studyย  abroad.ย  Inย  suchย  circumstances, poor parents become disappointed about their childrenโ€™s education (Alam, 2003, 2007);

โˆ’ย  The quality of TVE is poor and cannot provide sufficient significant knowledge for jobs. Most ofย  TVEย  schoolsย  areย  alsoย  locatedย  farย  fromย  ruralย  areas; meaningย  villageย  studentsย  cannotย  have access to them easily (World Bank, 1991);

โˆ’ย  Gallartย  (1988)ย  claimsย  studentsย  ofย  TVEย  sufferย  anxietyย  aboutย  theย  purposeย  ofย  TVE,ย  beingย  only preparingย  laborersย  to get more profitย  fromย  them,ย  sayingย  itย  isย  a moral obligationย  toย  eradicate suchย  anxiousnessย  andย  helpย  themย  understandย  thatย  TVEย  hasย  twoย  roles โ€ย  preparingย  skilled manpowerย  forย  the world of work,ย  and openingย  the doorย  for TVEย  studentsย  to pursue higher education withย  aย  solidย  foundation. Unfortunately,ย  higherย  educationย  isย  veryย  limitedย  forย  TVE school graduatesย  in Bangladesh. In addition, once a student has a gap of two years academic study,ย  he/sheย  cannotย  enrollย  inย  furtherย  higherย  education.ย  Inย  theseย  circumstancesย  ifย  aย  TVE graduateย  joinsย  his/herย  jobย  afterย  completionย  ofย  secondaryย  andย  higherย  secondaryย  education, he/she cannot come back into further education (Rafique, 1996);

โˆ’ย  Higher educated people in general discipline areas can work at any place but higher educated peopleย  fromย  TVEย  canย  only workย  inย  TVย  relatedย  placements, whichย  isย  lowย  inย  termsย  ofย  social prestige.ย  All boards, educational enterprises, and other organizations are under the control of their mother organization named ministry. The head of the ministries is the honorable minister whoย  isย  appointed politicallyย  so he/she does not need prerequisite qualifications. Theย  second head of the ministries is the secretary, who must have the general educational background and mainlyย  secretaryย  controlsย  theย  ministriesย  evenย  ifย  itย  isย  โ€˜Ministryย  ofย  Scienceย  andย  Technology. Therefore the top authorities enjoy the respect and favor of general graduates rather than TVE graduates. Inย  these circumstances TVE graduates are socially neglected so bright students do not have much interest in studying TVE (Rafique, 1996); and

โˆ’ย  Providing good TVE needs more moneyย  for practical workshopย  facilities, and also demands industrialย  attachmentsย  forย  internshipsย  (Worldย  Bank,ย  1990).ย  Laugloย  andย  Lillisย  (1988)ย  sayย  that vocationalย  andย  practicalย  subjectsย  โ€˜pedagogicย  systemsย  have unusually multifariousย  expensive requirementsย  (suchย  asย  equipmentsย  materials,ย  resources,ย  curriculum,ย  supportย  system, personnel, managementsย  requirements,ย  etc.),ย  whichย  areย  notย  easily met.ย  Asย  aย  poorย  country, achieving a high budget for education is a real challenge for Bangladesh. It is also added that budgetย  for TVEย  is veryย  lowย  in comparison with otherย  sectors of educationย  (BANBEIS, 2007). Theย  presentย  distributionย  ofย  governmentย  revenueย  budgetย  onย  TVEย  isย  aย  lowlyย  1.4%ย  and development budget is only 4.3% (see Figures 4 and 5).

The World Bank (2002) notes that political leaders of Bangladesh have no strong commitment to  develop  the  country  or  providing  appropriate  training.   Since  a  certain  level  of  TVE  is emerging at secondary and higher secondary education for national development but as elite children do not have any problem  in build their careers, so the concepts of TVE seems only for  speeches. The above mentioned barriers  to  the development of TVE produce a  serious, detrimental impact on enrolments in TVE as Figure 6 illustrates.

Job Market for Skilled Persons

The World Bank report of 2002 notes the present population of Bangladesh is more than 140 million, with density of 1050 persons per square kilometer.ย  Overโ€population can be a barrier to economic growth for a nation, but if the people are trained and are more productive, they may not a burden on society, but instead a source of skilled person power.ย  They can perform theirย  taskย  efficientlyย  withย  bestย  professionalism,ย  andย  theyย  canย  alsoย  contributeย  forย  national development by participating global labor market.

Now  I discuss  how  the  country  can  benefit  by  the use  of  trained  human  resources  (if  the country  can  develop  trained  human  resources  in  various  professions).   Though,  there  are many  sectors,  which  might  be  progressed  by  skilled  person  power,  I  will  discuss  the agriculture,  garments  and  leather  sectors,  and  consider  the  impact  of  the  exportability  of skilled person power.

Comparison of Employed Skilled Person Power and Employment Patterns

Before discussingย  thisย  issueย  inย  respect of Bangladesh,ย  Iย  first make comparison of employed skilledย  personย  powerย  employmentย  patternย  foundย  inย  theย  studyย  ofย  jobย  marketย  forย  TVE graduates with South Korea and Germany/Japan.ย  Table 3 explores the employment pattern, but before discussing the analysis of the data in Table 3, it is worthwhile to note that position of skilled worker of Bangladesh is an official agenda but the position is occupied by unskilled worker who do not have either TVE or general educationย  (Rafique, 1996;ย  ILO, 1993).ย  As a point of concern, it should be noted that this comparison does not take into consideration the quality and level of skill possessed by the skilled person power of the countries included.

Table 3: Comparison of employment patterns (% of workers in a given employment classification), complied data

CategoryBangladeshGermany/JapanSouth Korea
Skilled worker7368.636

The World Bank Report of 2004 indicates that the per capita GNP in Bangladesh is US$370; in South Korea it is US$13,300; in Germany US$27,890 and Japan US$31,250.ย  Within the limits of the available data on skilled person power, it seems that the employment pattern changes withย  increasingย  proportionย  ofย  techniciansย  andย  decreasingย  proportionย  ofย  skilledย  workersย spectrums as can be seen in Figure 7.

It  should be noted  that  in  transitory  stages of  an  economy,  the  absolute number of  skilled workers increases because an economy is unlikely to get to a higher level without increasing its base of skilled person power.

This implies automatically that a large number of employed skilled workers are required to be  trained  to  assume  higherโ€level  duties  and  also  assume  the  responsibility  as  industrial technician that warns that skilled workers must have a sound base of general and vocational education. But due to improper initiative, Bangladesh is lagging behind.

Agricultural Sector

Theย  USAย  Foodย  andย  Agricultureย  Organizationย  (FAO)ย  opinesย  thatย  agricultureย  canย  build national economic development, slowly but strongly, with a solid foundation (FAO, 1997; see http://www.fao.org/es/ESA/sofa.htm).ย ย  Theย  FAOย  (1997)ย  emphasizesย  thatย  agricultural revolution of a recently independent country not only helps it to be sound in managing own food,ย  butย  alsoย  helpsย  toย  buildย  infrastructureย  forย  industrialย  revolutionย  byย  exportingย  andย  by producingย  raw materialย  forย  industrial uses.ย  But Nikikoย  (2001) says agriculture means both cultivation of crops and producing necessary goodsย  forย  industrialย  raw materials, as well as the livestock.ย  The FAO (1997) argues that agricultural research and the invention of modern agricultural machineriesย  is worthy unlessย  farmers are skilled enoughย  to process and handle themย  accordingly.ย  However, Nikikoย  (2001)ย  considersย  thatย  toย  prepareย  productiveย  farmers, wellโ€timedย  trainingย  andย  education needย  to be providedย  ifย  theyย  areย  toย  accomplishย  suchย  the professionalย  objectives.ย ย  Accordingย  toย  theย  Bangladeshย  Governmentโ€™sย  Fifthย  Fiveย  Yearย  Plan (1997โ€2002)ย  (see, Government of Bangladesh, 1997, p. 57): โ€œAgriculture plays a vitalย  roleย  in theย  growthย  andย  stabilityย  ofย  theย  countryโ€™sย  economyย  asย  isย  indicatedย  byย  itsย  shareย  inย  GDP, employmentย  andย  exportย  earnings.โ€ย  But Rafiqueย  (1996)ย  arguesย  thatย  agricultureย  contributes only 30% ofย  the GNP, whichย  is veryย  lowย  in comparison withย  its workย  force because 70% of working people areย  involvedย  inย  thisย  sector.ย  Figure 8ย  illustratesย  the proportion of different goodsย  Bangladeshย  exportedย  duringย  1997โ€1998.ย ย  Fromย  thisย  figureย  itย  canย  beย  seenย  thatย  the contributionย  ofย  agricultureย  isย  notย  thatย  highย  comparedย  withย  otherย  sectors,ย  especiallyย  the garment sector.ย  Therefore there is almost unlimited scope to expand this sector, especially in the postโ€harvestย  stage,ย  andย  inย  the processingย  and preservationย  ofย  food productsย  andย  other agricultural products.

Itย  is worthwhileย  to mentionย  thatย  the agricultural workย  force does not have basic education about agriculture, because generallyย  they are schoolย  leavers at secondary level, and soย  they are not using modernย  technologyย  inย  termsย  of usingย  fertilizer,ย  chemicals, preparingย  soilย  for cultivation, making drains and cannelsย  forย  irrigation and pisciculture.ย  As such workers are not educated, they believe in superstition and use old purification and cultivation techniques, whichย  mayย  preventย  modernย  practiceย  ofย  agriculturalย  cultivationย  andย  hinderย  theย  countryโ€™s agricultural performance. Ultimately, this situation restricts the agricultural sector in several ways:

โˆ’ย  Although there are fertileย  lands, aย  large number of unskilled working people cannot produce necessary food for the vast population;
โˆ’ย  as many farmers believe in superstition, they do not cultivate necessary raw materials (cotton, jute, rubber, etc.) for industrial use; and
โˆ’ย  farmers do not cultivate livestock properly (fisheries, poultry, etc.) due to a lack of knowledge.

Nikiko  (2001)  sums  up  the  situation,  saying  that  if  the  framers  are  trained  properly,  the present  production  of  cultivation  could  be  doubled,  and  they  also  could  cultivate  various crops  and  livestock  because  training  may  helps  them  to  come  out  from  the  previous generationโ€™s superstition meaning  that  the country can meet  its  local demands and  increase exports.  So,  to save us  from above situation, use of modern  technology  in agriculture, and diversity of cultivation are  the urgent need of  the country by creating skilled manpower  in different sectors of agriculture and it will secure proper utilization of a huge labor force.

Garment and Textile Sector

According to the Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) (2001),ย  inย  theย  yearย  1999โ€2000,ย  theย  countryย  exportedย  readymadeย  garments worthย  US$3,592 million.ย ย  Aย  studyย  inย  1993ย  byย  Internationalย  Laborย  Organizationย  (ILO)ย  onย  theย  Bangladesh garmentย  industryย  reportedย  anย  unusuallyย  rejectionย  rateย  byย  theย  buyerโ€™sย  qualityย  control authority.ย ย  Theย  BGEMAย  alsoย  observedย  thatย  ifย  thisย  sectorย  couldย  developย  betterย  quality assurance,ย  theย  totalย  exportย  valueย  couldย  beย  moreย  thanย  US$ย  4,500.ย ย  Inย  2001,ย  theย  garment industry employed more than 2 million people: 71% of them women and who had no formal trainingย  onย  garment manufactureย  (BGMEA,ย  2001).ย ย  Itย  isย  also worthwhileย  toย  noteย  thatย  the garments industry used approximately 3 billion yards of clothing material, 97% of which was imported.ย  Thus some 75% of the total value of manufactured garments was spent importing and manufacturingย  (BGMEA,ย  2001).ย ย  Smith,ย  Baston,ย  Bocockย  andย  Scootย  (2002)ย  observeย  that Bangladeshย  urgentlyย  needsย  toย  trainย  employeesย  inย  theย  garmentย  industryย  toย  improveย  their skills, and improve the quality of their work and build the infrastructure of the sector.ย  Smith et al.ย  (2002)ย  suggestย  thatย  toย  removeย  theย  lot ofย  the garmentย  sector,ย  the workers need proper trainingย  soย  thatย  Bangladeshย  canย  supplyย  theย  ordersย  onย  time.ย ย  Smithย  etย  al.ย  summarizeย  the situation, saying that by employing skilled manpower Bangladesh can meet the challenges of an international garment manufacturing business, and that if it fails to do so, then it will lose the business and high unemployment is likely especially for women.ย  To face the challenge of localย  andย  globalย  competitionย  exportโ€orientedย  industryย  theย  countryย  mustย  makeย  significant investment in the garment sector in terms of education and training to provide the necessary skilled manpower.

Leather Sector

Thereย  isย  alsoย  aย  realย  shortageย  ofย  skilledย  personย  powerย  inย  theย  Bangladeshย  leatherย  industry.ย  Onlyย  oneย  collegeย  offersย  graduateย  course,ย  andย  thenย  forย  fewย  enrolleesย  (BANBEIS,ย  2007).ย ย  In 1997โ€98, Bangladesh earned more than US$240 million exporting leather and leather products (Bangladeshย  Bank,ย  2004,ย  seeย  http://www.bangladeshโ€bank.org/pub/monthly/econtrds/econtrds.html).ย ย  Butย  outย  ofย  theย  210 millionย  squareย  feetย  of leather used, some 85% was semiโ€furnished.ย  If 100% leather could be exported in furnished form,ย  theย  earningsย  wouldย  moreย  thanย  double,ย  andย  ifย  finishedย  leatherย  productsย  couldย  be exported,ย  the earnings would 10ย  timesย  the present.ย  Againย  the restrictingย  factorย  is unskilled labor.

Export of Skilled People Power

Theย  dataย  whichย  haveย  beenย  usedย  hereย  wereย  collectedย  inย  1993ย  andย  presentย  a Middleย  East perspective there are no more upโ€toโ€date data available.ย  During the 17 year period from 1976 toย  1992,ย  personย  powerย  exportย  increasedย  byย  aย  factorย  ofย  31.ย ย  Figureย  9ย  showsย  theย  percentage distributionย  ofย  exportedย  personย  powerย  (manpower)ย  byย  levelย  ofย  skillย  (professional,ย  skilled, semiโ€skilled and unโ€skilled).ย  The same Figure also shows the level of remittance, Bangladesh receivedย  fromย  the exported persons.ย  Theย  total person power exportedย  from Bangladeshย  in 1993 was 244,508; of which 46.6% was unskilled, 14%, semiโ€skilled, 34.0% skilled, and 5.6% professional (Rafique, 1996).ย  The UNDP human development report shows that Bangladesh received official remittances from exported person power of US$0.8 billion in 1989, some was 4%ย  ofย  GNP,ย  59%ย  ofย  exports,ย  22%ย  ofย  importsย  andย  43%ย  ofย  Overseasย  Development Administrationย  (ODA).ย  Theย  countryย  earned US$ย  1.01 billionย  fromย  export person powerย  in 1993, and US$1.20 billion in 1995.ย  The rise of person power export from 1988 to 1992 during theย  fiveย  yearsย  wasย  thusย  376%ย  butย  theย  increaseย  inย  remittancesย  wasย  141%ย  (BTEB,ย  1994). According to a BTEB study, the key reason for not increasing the remittances in proportion to the raising in export of person power is due to the export of a large proportion of unskilled person powerย  in place of skilled people.ย  The BBC also saysย  thatย  ifย  the country can prepare different level of computer professional by providing them with appropriate training, it will gain the foreign currency as presently happens in India.


Withinย  theย  scopeย  ofย  thisย  paper,ย  itย  isย  notย  possibleย  toย  presentย  aย  fullย  pictureย  ofย  TVEย  for Bangladesh.ย  But it was possible to make an argument of the proposed topic.ย  The following discussion represents some concluding remarks on the topic.

Inย  the presentย  circumstances,ย  itย  isย  seemsย  that dropโ€outย  rateย  atย  theย  secondaryย  levelย  isย  quite high.ย  Furthermore, it is clear that inadvertently and haphazardly offering TVE programs not onlyย  increasesย  theย  useย  ofย  scarceย  educationalย  resources,ย  butย  alsoย  raisesย  questionsย  aboutย  the achievements of education, and may well make barrier to achieving national and individual educational aims.ย  In addition to some other factors may be noted:

โˆ’ย  To progress well in the face of increasing global competition, it is essential to provide modern upโ€toโ€date technological knowledge to students;
โˆ’ย  Onย  the other hand,ย  itย  is notableย  that not allย  students haveย  the academic ability orย  interestย  to gain technological knowledge; and
โˆ’ย  Inย  additionย  toย  theย  aboveย  issues,ย  other professionsย  suchย  asย  agriculture,ย  theย  garmentย  industry andย  soย  on,ย  canย  payย  aย  vitalย  roleย  inย  countryโ€™sย  developmentalย  progress. Afterย  all,ย  aย  balanced, skilled workforce can play a separate more holistic role in national development.

Consideringย  theย  above,ย  fewย  technical and vocational educationย  subjectsย  suchย  asย  agriculturalย  scienceย  (inย  allย  itsย  diversity), computerย  science,ย  informationย  technology,ย  garmentsย  andย  textileย  technology,ย  fashionย  and design, need to be offered especially at the secondary school level, and students should take severalย  TVEย  subjects.ย ย  This mayย  helpย  theย  dropโ€outย  studentsย  toย  become moreย  skilledย  inย  a varietyย  ofย  tasks,ย  andย  inย  additionย  provideย  aย  solidย  foundationย  toย  continueย  intoย  higher education.

It also should be noted thatย  Bangladesh needs to provide inโ€service training programs at different levels, and for different subjects.ย  This may help employees to cope with changes in TVE,ย  and help primaryโ€schoolโ€leavers to cope better with their jobs.ย ย  In conclusion,ย  the following overall recommendation is made.ย ย  Aย  wellโ€timedย  TVEย  program may help Bangladesh to improve its economic growth, which may then aid social equity and freedom; the country urgently needs to take substantial stepsย  (such as,ย  increasing budgets, preparing a modern course curriculum, etc.) if it wants to develop TVE education.

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About the Author

Gazi Mahbubul Alam

Professor Dr. Gazi Mahabubul Alam works in the Faculty of Educational Studies, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.

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A Proper Plan Needed in Place for Upcoming Technical, Vocational, Education Projects

Bangladesh needs to plan its upcoming Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programme...

Income Prospects of Vocational Education and Training

A number of international donors and partners for developments have recently put a special...

Vocational Training and Linkage with Income

A number of donors and partners for developments have recently put especial attention to...