Translingualism: Languages Incorporating Differences

Language is the way of communicating meaning. It does not stop at one time as it is continually transformed by speakers at every moment...

Medium of Instruction in Education as Social, Cultural and Socioeconomic Inequality in Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh

Introduction Education is the builder of a nation. This enables people to develop technologies, make economic development and enrich culture. This gives immense power to...

Integrating Grammar and Writing

Grammar instruction holds an important place in foreign language learning. It is the rules of a language. Grammar is...

Medium of Instruction at the Different Levels of Education in Bangladesh: Social, Cultural and Economic Division, and Inequality

Sanjida Abedin Rafha discusses the medium of instruction at the different level of education in Bangladesh Education is one kind...

Individual Learner Differences and Its Impact on English and Spanish Language Learning

Individual Learner Differences (ILD) is the most important Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and language learning success issue. Ellis (1985)...

Medium of Instruction at Education level: Instigating Social, Cultural, and Economic Division and Inequality in Bangladesh

Nushrat Mahjabeen discusses the medium of instruction at education level Education is regarded as an important ingredient to one’s life...

World Teachers’ Day: Both State and Teachers Together Can Change

2020 is the year that has seen an unprecedented crisis across the globe and the World Teachers’ Day’ is...

Bangladeshi People’s English Skills in the Global Standard

Education First, a Switzerland based organization, has been working in the field of language and culture for more than...