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Education Policy
Education Policy
Science Teachers’ Conceptions of Nature of Science: The Case of Bangladesh
MD. MAHBUB ALAM SARKAR and JUI JUDITH GOMES wrote about the conception of the science teachers Abstract: This study explored Bangladeshi science teachers’ conceptions of...
Education Policy
Teacher Development in Brazil
Teacher development is one of the most important concerns for education policymakers. There remain various factors regarding the issue of teacher development. To achieve...
Education Policy
Quality Education Calls for Quality Decision
The Education Ministry on Friday issued an order to the relevant authorities to give salaries from the state exchequer to the teachers and employees...
Education Policy
Playing Different Roles by Teacher Associations
Under the umbrella of various teacher associations, teachers get together and press home their demands or extract some benefits from the authorities concerned. Teachers’...
Education Policy
Empowering Underprivileged Youths in Bangladesh through Computer Literacy: A thirst to build Digital Bangladesh
AJOY K. BOSE and ASAD-UZ-ZAMAN ASAD wrote about Digital Bangladesh Abstract: Today’s world is shaped by availability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Because global...