Web Editor
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An Evaluation of the Environmental Studies: Science Textbooks and Teachers’ Guides Used in BRAC Primary Schools
Arup Ratan Das writes about the evaluation of the environmental studies Abstract The objective of this study was to do an evaluation of science textbooks and...
Education Policy
Problems and Prospects of EFA in Bangladesh
FATIMA KHAN BASU and ASAD-UZ-ZAMAN ASAD wrote about EFA in Bangladesh 1. Background 1.1. History of EFA: Education for All (EFA) is an international commitment that...
Education Policy
Education and Human Resource Development
MOHAMMAD KOWSAR BHUIYAN wrote about Human Resource Development In this present world, human being is considered as a national asset like the other assets. Human...
Building Trust through Connecting Classrooms Project
MIRON KUMAR BHOWMIK and DOMINIC REGESTER wrote about Connecting Classrooms The globalised nature of today’s world has created the opportunity for school students to explore...
Education Policy
The Voice of the Poor: Insights about the Poverty, Education, Development and Their Inter Relationship
MOHAMMAD TAREQUE RAHMAN wrote about Voice of the Poor Introduction We have come to such a time while the importance of quality education is entirely recognized....
Web Editor
Web Editor posted this article on behalf of the article author.