Role of Teachers in the 21st Century

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Students’ behaviour and the future goals and success of life are shaped in the school and teachers are carriers of either positive or negative behaviour towards the student. Role of teachers such as teachers must love their career to pass enthusiasm, to assist, and to provide a warm environment to the students. Some experts say that teachers are the second mother because students spend a lot of time with their teachers. In the same way as teachers, mothers are not born being great mothers but as their experiences with their kids expand they become experts in the field. We know that mothers look the best for their kids and one of their goals is to raise their kids so they can become professionals and pioneers for society. Some of the mother’s role towards kids is to give them care, love, respect, lead, instruct and to try to form a safe and pleasant environment at their homes.

Teachers are the strength and foundation stone of civilization.  So the teachers should be aware of the role of teachers and duties and master the artistry of teaching. How can they ensure these things? Definitely, they will have to study a lot, take preparation and above all with subject knowledge. They should master the modern arts of teaching. They must gather feedback from the students in an ingenious way to learn their stand in teaching. It’s a standard practice in the field of teaching. But in our schools and colleges, it is still an unknown practice. Of course, some private universities have introduced this modern system to bring about quality in teaching. Teachers have also started understanding that it is a significant part of their duties.

It is a utopian idea to see a teacher as an expert on the first day of their profession. Continuous practice, dedication, study, sharing ideas, attending conferences and seminars make a teacher expert. In our individual student life, we found many teachers whose name and style of teaching still we remember and they flash before our mind’s eye.  We had some teachers who just came into the class and started teaching. They did not get involved with us. We rarely talked to them. Those teachers did not show any concern about what we were feeling. One way for a teacher to get students involved in the classroom is to ask those questions. Many shy students in the class never asked any questions to any teacher. So, the teachers of these days invite the students to participate in the class. It is very important that teachers encourage students because students will benefit from it.

A teacher carries a big responsibility in her classroom. One reason is that all students depend on her/him. Everything the teacher says will have an impact on the students. If the teacher feels joy or shows anger, it will be spread among children because the attitude of the teacher gets contagious. If the teacher laughs, students also laugh. Teachers are responsible for the social behaviour in the classroom. If something goes wrong the only responsible is the teacher even if it was not their foul. The teacher must create a warm and protective environment but at the same time professional. If students feel secure in the classroom the result will be shown in the academic progress. A good start could be mutual trust with each student. Teachers have the responsibility to know their students in the classroom. Each day, the teachers show one of their attitudes that the students are unaware of. Also, the students do the same in order for the teacher to get to know them, too. This is a good exercise to do because it benefits the whole class to break the ice. The first few days most of the students are afraid of the teacher because they do not know how the teacher’s personality is. It will change until the point that the teacher and students discover to have common hobbies with each other.

A school is not only a learning place but also a place to make fun. We should think that a school is a place where one goes to learn but also believe that there should be times where fun is a necessity. That is why we think that a teacher should also have fun with the students. Kids learn faster when they feel attracted to an exciting lesson. Teachers must not forget that kids get bored fast that is why creative lessons must be planned ahead. There should be interest in what people want to learn. Mr. Spayde in his article “Learning the Key of Life” (59-62) says  “One of the keys that are useful for teachers is to understand and accept the way students are acting the way Thomas says in his article “The Mind of Man” (120-124) Therefore, teachers need to create a curriculum that guides students to a path of success. Consequently, they need to receive guidance depending on their students need. As Mike Rose explains in “Lives in Boundaries” that an educator must be an open-minded person that must respect the students’ diversity and give love and caring attitudes towards students. Psychologically, students could be affected if they have problems with their teachers. One of the results could be that students will avoid going to school. As professional teachers, we do not want any conflict with the students.

The role of teachers is to help students apply concepts, such as math, English, and science through classroom instruction and presentations. Their role of teachers is also to prepare lessons, grade papers, manage the classroom, meet with parents, and work closely with school staff. Being a teacher is much more than just executing lesson plans, they also carry the role of a surrogate parent, disciplinarian, mentor, counsellor, bookkeeper, role model, planner and many more. In today’s world, a teacher’s role is a multifaceted profession.

The role of teacherstoday is much different from the roles they did in the previous days. With the changed perspective of the world, their role has also changed. Today role of teachers is multifaceted such as counselling the students, help them how to use their knowledge and integrate it into their lives to prove themselves as valuable members of society.


Rose, Mike. “Lives on the Boundary.” The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruskiewicz. New York: St. Martins Press, 1997, 97-110

Thomas, David. “Lives on the Boundary.” The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruskiewicz. New York: St. Martins Press, 1997, 120-125

Spayde, Jon. . “Lives on the Boundary.” The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruskiewicz. New York: St. Martins Press, 1997, 58-64

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About the Author

Masum Billah

Masum Billah works as a President of the English Teachers' Association of Bangladesh (ETAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. He previously worked as an Education Specialist at BRAC, an international NGO in Bangladesh.


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