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Education in Budget Speech 2012-13

The Education part of the budget speech 2012-13 for your quick reading presented by Abul Maal Abdul Muhith.

Abul Maal Abdul Muhith

Dear Readers, we are just representing below the Education part of the budget speech 2012-13 for your quick reading presented by Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, Minister, Minister of Finance, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh on June 7, 2012 in National Parliament. (Editor)

(III) Human Resource Development

Mr. Speaker
104. Educated and skilled human resource is the main driver of development of an economy. We have, therefore laid emphasis on human resource development. I propose a total allocation of Tk. 39,390 crore for human resource development in the budget for FY 2012-13.

Overall Education Sector

(Implementation of Education Policy)

Mr. Speaker
105. Our Government is attaching highest priority to education as the most important strategic tool for eradication of poverty and development. We have formulated an Education Policy, 2010 assimilating the essence of the charter for change, ‘Vision 2021’ and our commitment for building Digital Bangladesh. We have planned to implement this Policy in phases.

(Elimination of Disparity and Quality Enhancement in Education Sector)
106. In a bid to eliminate disparity in the education sector, the Government has started distributing books free of cost to the students of primary level including secondary, dakhil, vocational and ebtedai levels from FY2011-12 throughout the country. As planned, a total of 23 crore books have already been distributed in 2012. Distribution of stipends is another ongoing initiative to promote female education. Currently the male-female and student ratio is 47:53, which is the 2nd highest in South Asia. Besides, as many as 43.38 lakh students from the secondary to graduation level have been awarded stipends. We have also given emphasis on teachers’ training, in particular on subjects like Mathematics and   English, to enhance the quality of education. We are also laying emphasis on expansion of vocational and technical training and to develop appropriate skilled manpower for export to the overseas markets. At the same time, in an attempt to search creative talents throughout the country, a ‘Creative Talent Hunt Policy, 2012’ has been formulated. I hope this initiative will see successful implementation from the next fiscal year.

(Decentralisation of Education)
107. Various kinds of facilities are being enhanced along with infrastructure development to improve the teaching environment of the educational institutions. Construction work of academic buildings of 1,500 colleges have been initiated. In order to remove urban-rural disparity in education, we have established as many as 306 model high schools in those upazilas, where there is no government high school. Construction and other physical infrastructure works are underway to build another 164 model high schools.

(Higher Education)
108. In order to reorient our higher education more towards science and technology, we have established a Science and Technology University at Pabna. There is also a programme to establish a Digital University at Gazipur and Bangabadhu Science and Technology University at Gopalgonj. Besides, we have established University of Professionals in Dhaka, and Begum Rokeya University at Rangpur. Moreover, we have taken steps to establish two public universities at Rangamati and Barishal, and Rabindra University at Kushtia. We believe that, these initiatives will enable our new generation to face new and emerging challenges of thiscentury.

(Prime Minister’s Education)
109. Education is the fundamental right of human being. We have, therefore, taken an initiative to establish a Assistance Foundation Trust Fund to ensure education for the poor and underprivileged meritorious students. A law titled ‘Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust Act, 2011’ has already been enacted.

Primary and Mass Education

(Achievements in Primary Education Sector)

Mr. Speaker
110. Eradication of illiteracy by 2014 is one of our prime commitments. Even though it took a little longer, we have ensured cent percent enrolment at the primary level as per our commitment. We have introduced pre-primary education programme for the children of 3-5 years age group. From 2011, examination on completion of primary education has started taking place throughout the country under a uniform system. As a result, it is now possible to assess the merits of primary students using a set of uniform criteria. A policy on non-formal education has been formulated to eradicate illiteracy.

(Qualitative Improvement of Primary Education)
111. Along with its expansion, we are determined to enhance the quality of primary education. Already, we have brought down the teacher-student ratio to 1:47 from 1:50 and want to bring it down further to 1:40. In order to ensure necessary infrastructure and academic environment, we have taken up for implementation a comprehensive sector wide programme (Third Primary Education Development Program, PEDP-3) at a cost of Tk. 58,359 crore. A total of 47,680 teachers will be recruited under this programme. We had a plan to raise the number of female teachers in primary schools to 60 percent. Already, we have raised the number to 58.4 percent. In my previous budget speech, I mentioned about      the establishment of 1500 new primary schools. Already, construction of a total of 780 primary schools is at the completion stage. In addition, we have brought required reforms in primary education management by establishing Primary Teacher Training Institute (PTI) in 12 district headquarters, formulating a manual on inclusive education, organising training for the teachers on the manual and restructuring school management committees.

(Prevention of Drop-out)
112. The present Government is continuing the stipend programme, at a cost of about Tk. 4,000 crore, intended to prevent dropping out due to poverty. In addition, a School Feeding Programme has been taken up to increase the rate of enrolment and retain the students at school.

(Information Technology in Education Sector)
113. We have a plan to introduce e-Learning in all the educational institutions across the country. Already, multimedia classrooms have been set up in each model primary school. ICT labs have been installed in 3,172 secondary and higher secondary schools.

About the Author

Web Editor posted this article on behalf of the article author.



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