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Masum Billah

Some Teaching Principles

In the language teaching profession, we have the best and worst experiences. After many years of teaching, we have information that seems to be...

Grammar-Translation vs CLT Method

The teaching-learning scenario of English in Bangladesh has assumed a new beginning. The Grammar-translation method had been practised for a long time in the...

Teachers as Lifelong Learners

Why should teachers also be lifelong learners? Well first and foremost, teachers are role models. If teachers aren’t interested and intrinsically motivated by the...

Motivating Teachers

Motivation, particularly motivating teachers, play a significant role to develop oneself in the profession he /she belongs to. A motivated professional give greater service...

Trainers’ Conference

With a view to improving the quality of secondary education in Bangladesh, the government has taken different initiatives. Providing training to the teachers is...
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