Question 1. What is the intention of this site?
Answer: The main intention of this site is to establish a web-platform where all important, quality and rich articles on Education of Bangladesh will be found. Anyone can use the for knowledge building in free of cost. For details, please see this page.

Question 2. Who are the target people or audience of this site?
Answer: Those who are working directly or indirectly in education and development education sector, students, academician, professional, NGO and development workers – everybody can use this site.

Question 3. Can I submit my article directly?
Answer: No, there is no provision of direct submission. You can send your articles through email. For details, please see this page.

Question 4. Should the article be based on research?
Answer: Not necessary. You can write your experience, opinion, suggestions or critics on education of Bangladesh. But we encourage research based articles.

Question 5. Can I submit old articles?
Answer: Nothing is new, nothing is old. You can submit any of your articles and it is not a matter when it was written. Just keeping in mind that articles should be related to education.

Question 6. Can I submit my articles if it was published in another place or site?
Answer: If you hold the copyright of this article, you can submit. Otherwise please get permission form the related authority and then send us.

Question 7. Can I publish my articles in another site or printed media again if it is already published here?
Answer: We have no problem and we encourage spreading out your thought as much as possible.

Question 8. Will my article go through the moderation process?
Answer: Yes and No. The reviewer just examines that whether this article is somehow related to education or not. Reviewer and site authority do not edit anything.

Question 9. When will my article be published? Just after the submission? Or will it take time?
Answer: It depends. We try to publish the articles as soon as possible. Sometimes it can be late for technical reason.

Question 10. I want to get new articles instantly. How can I get this?
Answer: Please see the Subscription option in left column. Put your name and email address. You will get the news of recent articles instantly through email.

Question 11. I am not from Bangladesh or from Bengali community. Can I write here?
Answer: Of course. This site is for all but the subject of this site is related to Bangladesh education. Just relate your articles with education and Bangladesh and send us.

Question 12. Can I write my blog here?
No, this is not a blog site. But you can send us your thoughts by presenting logically and nicely which are only related to education.

Question 13. How can I comment? Will it be published directly?
Please use the comment option just below the article. To prevent the spam, the comments are under moderation.

Question 14. Should I pay to publish my article in this site?
No and never. The main slogan of this site is “Knowledge is power ONLY when it is shared”. So anyone can share knowledge, experience and opinion here. No cost is needed for that.

Question 15. Who is the copyright-holder of the articles?
Respective authors are the copyright holder. Authors are responsible for their opinion, articles and comments. Site authority has no attachment with the comments and opinions published in articles or comments.

Question 16. Is the site commercial? I see some advertisements from google in this site. Why?
This site is not commercial and has no intention to be in future. Yes, there are some advertisements placed in this site. This is just because to accumulate the maintenance cost.

Question 17. Will you take commercial advertisements?
No. Commercial advertisement will not be published. But we can take some non-commercial advertisements in future.

Question 18. I wish to help this site. How can I do this?
Many thanks for your nice wish. We, currently, do not have any plan to take financial help from anyone. You can help in another way- visit this site regularly, write here and tell your friends to visit this site.

Question 19. Can I submit the review of my site or another site?
Yes, you can. But before to do, you will need to communicate with site administrator.

Question 20. Can I submit my site link in this site?
Yes, you can. But before to do, you will need to communicate with site administrator.

Question 21. Can I share the link with others or other sites or social Medias?
Always. We appreciate it.

Question 22. How can I save my desired article in pdf?
See a pdf icon at the top of the article. Use it and save article to your computer.

Question 23. I see some important sub-sectors are missing in either main menu or special menu.
Please let us know. We will place it.

Question 24. Can I send some suggestions which can develop this site?
Answer: Of course. We always welcome your suggestions and opinions. We also appreciate your critics so that we can understand our limitations and errors. You can send your suggestions, opinion and critics at any time.

If you have further questions or query, please let us know.

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